How to Handle a Fire Inspection

Each year, fire safety professionals inspect commercial buildings for safety hazards. The point of an inspection is to ensure that there are no potential fire hazards that may cause damage to assets or harm the people within the building. It is up to you, as the business owner, to prioritize safety in your building. Preparing for a fire inspection does not have to be difficult. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Plan Ahead
As with most things, it helps to be prepared. Keep in mind, that annual fire inspections are random, meaning you need to prioritize safety all year long. Creating and maintaining a fire safety checklist is a great way to stay prepared. You also want to make sure you are tracking and documenting any and all maintenance throughout the year. Always being prepared can help you pass your inspection, but more importantly, it will keep you and your employees safe.
Know the Requirements
During the inspection, the professionals will check a variety of building components. They need to ensure that the exits are clear and free from obstruction, so that in the event of a fire, injuries and property damage are avoidable. They will also check electrical components to make sure everything labeled and installed correctly. You should have all exits and hallways properly lit with battery backup, along with fire safety systems throughout the building.
Understand the Benefits
The major benefit of annual fire inspections is safety. Annual inspections can prove that you are providing a safe environment, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of those in your building. In addition to protecting your business, you may also decrease your insurance premiums while increasing the value of your building.
Prioritize Safety!
When it comes to your property, fire protection should be a top priority. To learn more about necessary fire safety solutions and how you can keep your property safe, contact Castle Sprinkler & Alarm by calling 301-517-7349 or emailing us today!