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Category: Uncategorized

addressable fire alarm system

The Difference Between a Conventional and Addressable Fire Alarm System

A perceptive fire alarm system is literally life-saving. Yet, it’s also important that a system is not overactive. Systems that ring false alarms are a serious drain on resources. And, the rush to evacuate they trigger can lead to injuries—and, more rarely, deaths—which are entirely needless.    Recent research shows every single false alarm costs up…

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What's Inside a Fire Extinguisher: Your Questions Answered

What’s Inside a Fire Extinguisher: Your Questions Answered

Whether you’re a property manager or a business owner, it pays to know as much about fire safety as you can. When it comes to fire safety tools, fire extinguishers are one of the most widely used and are required in all U.S. businesses.  While you may be familiar with how to use your fire extinguisher, what’s…

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What is Your Fire Sprinkler Systems Life Expectancy

What is Your Fire Sprinkler Systems Life Expectancy

There were an estimated 111,000 non-residential fires in 2020. With those high numbers, it’s not a good idea to leave your building’s safety to chance. You have to make sure that your building’s fire sprinkler systems are in their best condition 24/7.  To do this, you have to know your fire sprinkler systems life expectancy. Then,…

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fire suppression system

What To Expect During Your Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System Inspection

Proper functioning fire suppression systems can reduce fire-related deaths by up to 87%. Inspections are key to ensuring your fire suppression systems work when they need to. In the case of fire suppression system failure, liability may fall on commercial property and facility managers. So, you should schedule regular inspections for your and your employee’s safety….

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What to Expect During a Restaurant Fire Inspection

What to Expect During a Restaurant Fire Inspection

Would you like to know what to expect during a restaurant fire inspection? Read on to learn what you need to know on the subject.

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sprinkler system

When Should You Have a Sprinkler System Inspection?

One fire can completely wipe out products and equipment for warehouses and other large commercial buildings. Additionally, fires can cause the loss of life of employees and guests. No one knows when a fire may happen. All we can do is protect our buildings. A sprinkler suppression system prevents fires from spreading through your warehouse….

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Fire Hazards

The Most Common Commercial Fire Hazards

Most industries and businesses carry a risk of fire. Common fire hazards include heat-producing equipment, building occupancy, material storage, and more. When you understand the factors that commonly lead to fire, you are more likely to be prepared for it. At Castle Sprinkler & Alarm, we know the importance of fire protection in various industries….

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Fire Plan

The Benefits of a Commercial Fire Plan

Unfortunately, fires happen on a regular basis at commercial facilities across the nation. These blazes cause millions of dollars in property damage and can result in lengthy business disruptions. A sound commercial fire plan can strengthen your business in many ways: Reduces the likelihood of a fire Decreases the damages if a fire does breakout …

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Figuring Out the Numbers and Letters on Your Fire Extinguisher

There is a sense of safety in having a fire extinguisher in your commercial building.  On the other hand, few things are more confusing than the numbers and letters on the side of the tube. What do they mean? Why are they important? You know some extinguishers put out certain types of fires but not…

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fire inspection

How Often Do You Need to Inspect Your Fire Protection System?

Fire Inspections A fire inspection should be performed by professionals on a regular basis. Committing to an inspections schedule can help remedy any issues that can cause sensors or sprinklers to work less efficiently or even fail entirely. Keeping your commercial property and its clientele safe from the fire means trusting that the network of…

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